Dental Coverage You Can Count On

Dental Coverage is the Only Coverage You Are Guaranteed to Use.


Is Dental Insurance Worth the Cost?

Preventive Exams can detect many chronic diseases including:

  • Diabetes
  • Leukemia 
  • Oral cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Heart disease 
  • Kidney disease
  • Hypertension

Dental Coverage Can Save Your Life.

HMO, PPO or Indemnity Plan?

  • The HMO option restricts coverage to dental professionals within a limited network
  • PPO policies are similar to HMO but allow patients to see dentists outside the “preferred” network. Patients pay lower rates if they see an in-network dentist. 
  • Dental Indemnity plans, allow a patient to see any dentist and typically pay a fixed benefit depending on the dental procedure.

What’s Covered and When?

Is there a Waiting Period?

Orthodontics, Whitening?

Know your options for Preventive, Basic and Major Services. Our agents can help you choose the plan that meets your needs.

Choose a Dental Plan with Vision Benefits
Annual Vision benefits for Exams, Frames, Lenses, Contact Lenses

Get A FREE Consultation Today

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday: 9 AM-5 PM
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED

We Are Here To Help You Find The Best Coverage Plan That Fits You